Thank you for completing the Discover Me report

As a Supporter you enjoy helping and working with other people. You are a friendly person who makes decisions based on people you trust and like. You are a great listener and are good at solving problems   the easy uncomplicated way. You like to consider all your options and won’t make a decision until you’ve done this. You are a practical person who likes to get on with it but resist being pressured into making a decision until you’ve had time to think about  it.

"I am a Supporter too! We are caring people who accept others for who they are. We are easy to talk to and great listeners. We are ready to help others even if we don’t really have the time. Our easygoing ways make us friendly thoughtful people who have strong relationships and lasting friendships. We are patient and wonderful team players because we don’t need to be the centre of attention. We like it when people work together and get along with each other."

If you have inputted your email address incorrectly we unfortunately cannot supply you with a copy of your report and you will have to complete the survey again. For reasons of privacy and security, we do not view or retain your profile report.

We'll email you a report which contains loads of useful information about your personality type. In the meantime you might want to explore pathways into some career sectors that are perfect for supporters by clicking one of the links below.

What next…