Thank you for completing the Discover Me report

As a Supporter Promoter you make people feel wanted and respond to their needs. You are willing to help others whenever you are asked and you often volunteer your services. You are naturally giving and cooperative. You appreciate words of encouragement and welcome positive feedback and friendship. You dislike conflict and work hard to bring harmony to those around you by resolving disagreements in your peacemaker style. Your listening skills make you an excellent sounding board for ideas as well as problems.

"I am a Supporter Promoter too. We are all about people and relationships. We are good fun, easy to talk to and great listeners. We are ready to help others, even if we are busy. We like it when people work together and get along well. We are willing to go along with other people’s ideas, and will stick with what works. We are calm and trusting, which are great talents. We have lots of friends because we make friends easily and enjoy their company. We dislike angry or rude people, especially when they are being unfair and taking advantage of others or of animals."

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We'll email you a report which contains loads of useful information about your personality type. In the meantime you might want to explore pathways into some career sectors that are perfect for supporter promoters by clicking one of the links below.

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