Profile: AmranAmran

I’m a third year BSc Biology student, and my favourite thing about Middlesex has to be the opportunities available to us, whether it’s resources to set up a society or the chance to work and earn money on campus. My favourite memory so far is the Biology field trip to Mauritius this year; it was two amazing weeks and an invaluable experience.

I am studying biology at Middlesex. Doing the broad Biology pathway gives me loads of choice before specialising in third year if I decide to. The flexibility means I could go from the general lab in the Hatchcroft Building on Monday morning to an amazing specialised microbiology lab on the second floor in the afternoon. I get to sample all the different routes and professions out there.

My favourite project so far has been the cheese and wine night I helped organise! I’m Vice President of the Natural Sciences Academic Society at Middlesex University, and in my second year we decided to set up semi-formal lecture evenings, where we invited internal and external speakers to talk to us about their professional experiences within science. The night was packed with stories about the beginning of their journeys and how their careers got started, and it gave us all a really great insight into science careers from three very different points of view: academia (microbiologist Dr Massimiliano Marvasi), industry (bio-analyst Dr Ajit Shah) and research (Jamie Dean, PhD candidate at Institute of Cancer Research). It was aimed at both students and staff so was a great way to network, and it was a huge success if I may say so myself!

Bio at Middlesex